Yuan Yuan Liu
Pages: 510-519
Published: 8 Dec 2017
Views: 1,541
Downloads: 225
Abstract: Sustainable tourism development has become a widely concerned topic for tourism sector. There is also a broad range of topics on travel motivations. However, there are rare researches identifying travel motivations for sustainable tourism destinations. This study aims at providing a tool to specify travel motivations for sustainable tourism destinations. A framework with potential factors influencing tourist choice to visit a sustainable tourism destination is presented. And the framework includes four variables, namely: socio-demographic items, travel behaviour patterns, push factors and pull factors. Future researches to answer why or why not tourists choose a sustainable tourism destination can be developed based on the framework.
Keywords: sustainable tourism, sustainable tourism destinations, travel motivations
Cite this article: Yuan Yuan Liu. A FRAMEWORK IDENTIFYING FACTORS INFLUENCING TRAVEL MOTIVATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DESTINATIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 510-519 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001607/
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