Jennifer L. Gómez, Liliana D. Monroy
Pages: 208-215
Published: 12 Sep 2018
Views: 1,511
Downloads: 226
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the skills of the Public Accountant in accordance with that established by the International Federation of Accountants- IFAC, its relationship with multiple intelligences and different didactic strategies, specifically gamification applied to undergraduate students of Public Accounting Distance Program at Military University of Nueva Granada in Colombia. An exploratory qualitative methodology was used, for which the students who studied the courses of Accounting II, Public Accounting, Finance and Public Budgets in the second semester of 2017 were interviewed. As a result, it is observed that most of the respondents valued positively the application of gamification strategy in Moodle platform and especially the use of the Kahoot tool. The data provided in this study indicate the need to apply didactic strategies and activities that promote the multiple intelligences and motivate the student to construct arguments in decision making at managerial level.
Keywords: multiple intelligences, didactic strategy, gamification, accounting distance education
Cite this article: Jennifer L. Gómez, Liliana D. Monroy. GAMIFICATION IN ACCOUNTING DISTANCE EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 12, 208-215 (2018).
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