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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 16, 2018

Nina K. Gorshunova, Nikolai V. Medvedev
Pages: 238-243
Published: 29 Sep 2018
Views: 1,137
Downloads: 179
Abstract: Modern professional education provides the formation of the future competitive specialist capable of self-development. The necessity for training highly qualified specialists in a medical university, ready to make independent decisions, continuous professional development, the choice of an individual educational trajectory, capable of performing scientific research and critically interpreting their results requires the competent use of various pedagogical techniques with a predominant choice of technologies for activating mental activity, practical skills training in simulation centers. In order to determine the preferable choice of the optimal technology of education, a questionnaire was conducted for students of senior courses of the medical faculty. Graduates of a more important role attach importance to the content and practical importance of training sessions, while their younger comrades primarily pay attention to the illustrative component of the information provided. It is established that medical students of the 5th course in the teaching process recognize the priority use of role-playing games and brainstorming. Graduate students make their choice in preference of training relevant practical skills and analyzing clinical cases. Great importance in ensuring the high quality of professional training for a modern teacher of medical university, it is necessary to use an individual approach to students, taking into account the scope of his knowledge and skills, preferences in choosing a future specialty, forming their analytical and communicative competence. Reflection of the achievements level for the university period of a modern graduate is the portfolio preparation.
Keywords: modern medical education, active teaching technologies, satisfaction with the quality of practical training, individual approach
Cite this article: Nina K. Gorshunova, Nikolai V. Medvedev. PECULIARITIES OF YOUNG DOCTORS EDUCATION AND UPBRINGING WITHIN THE CONDITIONS OF INFORMATION-ORIENTED SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 238-243 (2018).
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