Yarden Gali
Pages: 314-319
Published: 29 Sep 2018
Views: 1,247
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Abstract: NGO involved in education academic programs in western countries, participate in re-shaping policy implementation. This study aims to explore the effect of NGOs on the implementation of education policies in Israel. We have applied a qualitative research method, analyzing government documents, and conducting 50 in-depth interviews with 5 groups each of 10 participants: 1. Education high officials; 2. NGO executives; 3. Principals of elementary state-Jewish schools with low socio-economic background; 4. Parents; 5. Pupils. Our findings reveal that (a) The stated policy in the last 4 years (2013-2017) is based on a cross-sector partnership. (b) This policy re-examines the sharing of responsibility for education. (c) The partial privatization funds give a voice to deprived populations. (d) The principals serve as gatekeepers.
Keywords: ngo, educational policy, policy implementation, education policies in israel
Cite this article: Yarden Gali. THE INVOLVEMENT OF NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL POLICY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 16, 314-319 (2018).
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