Yue-Rong Liang, Young-Hwan Shin, Long-Jie Zhang, Kai-Rong Wang
Pages: 1-10
Published: 31 Jul 2019
Views: 1,901
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Abstract: China is one of the major tea producing countries in the world, which has 305.9 million hectare tea field and produces 260.9 million tons of tea annually. Improved tea cultivars played an important role in the rapid development of China tea industry. There are now 134 registered national tea cultivars in China, which are suitable for processing green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and dark green tea. Systematic tea breeding in China has started since early 1950s, which can be divided into four stages, i.e., high yield breeding stage, quality breeding stage, pest-resistance breeding stage and diversified breeding targets stage. The advances in tea breeding techniques including quality assessment, yield identification, germplasm resource innovation and molecular assistant selection also discussed in the present paper.
Keywords: camellia sinensis, tea cultivar, quality breeding, pest-resistance, germplasm, molecular assistant selection
Cite this article: Yue-Rong Liang, Young-Hwan Shin, Long-Jie Zhang, Kai-Rong Wang. ADVANCES IN TEA PLANT BREEDING IN CHINA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 1-10 (2019).
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