Zeshi Wang, Xinqiang Zheng
Pages: 37-43
Published: 31 Jul 2019
Views: 1,232
Downloads: 154
Abstract: With the population explosion and the acceleration of urbanization, the growth of land area and agriculture development has not kept pace with the development. In order to feed more people with fewer resources, vertical farms have emerged. Vertical farms refer to the cultivation of vegetables by hydroponic or aerobic methods in indoor structures such as vertically stacked layers. The advantage of a vertical structure is that it maximizes the use of space and water and soil. Vegetables produced there are fresher and easier to transport because of its urban location. Since there are no harmful insects indoors, there is no need to use pesticides. But early equipment and artificial lighting inputs created obstacles to the beginning of vertical farms. Failure to accurately match demand for continuous production is also a difficulty for farm operations. This paper reviews the current strengths and weaknesses and development status of vertical farms, and proposes possible solutions to existing problems in order to lay the foundation for its development.
Keywords: vertical farm, hydroponic method, aerobic method, strengths and weaknesses
Cite this article: Zeshi Wang, Xinqiang Zheng. THE REVIEW OF CURRENT VERTICAL FARMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 37-43 (2019).
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