Nhan Pham Ngoc
Pages: 309-316
Published: 5 Aug 2019
Views: 1,465
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Abstract: Research on factors affecting the conversion of crop composition on rice-land was carried out to study the outcomes of the conversion of crop composition on rice-land as well as to identify the reasons why farmers decided to change their crop composition. The research studied on farmers who had done crop composition conversion on rice-land in Hau Giang province to identify factors affecting the conversion as well as to understand difficulties facing these farming households by using sociological surveys. Results by using Binary Logistic Regression show that the likelihood is 90.6%, in which variables including household’s financial resources (X5), impacts from training courses (X7), support from the Government and Local authorities (X8), internal irrigation schemes (X11) and irrigation water (X14) have statistical meanings to conversion of crop composition by farming households. The unstable selling price of products after crop conversion is most concerned by farmers. One of the new approaches of the research is that the research used Binary Logistic Regression to analyze data then to identify factors affecting the outcomes of the crop composition conversion. Results also show that climate change variable has no statistical meaning within the scope of the research.
Keywords: conversion, crop composition, farming household, impact, rice-land
Cite this article: Nhan Pham Ngoc. ANALYSIS ON FACTORS AFFECTING THE CONVERSION OF CROP COMPOSITION ON RICE-LAND OF FARMERS IN VIETNAM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 309-316 (2019).
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