M. Casasola, M.J. Lamela, A. Fernández-Canteli, Miguel Muñiz-Calvente, F. Pelayo, Adrián Álvarez-Vázquez, A. Salazar, J.M. Pintado
Pages: 25-37
Published: 18 Sep 2019
Views: 1,119
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Abstract: In this paper the critical stress intensity factor (KIC) and the critical strain energy release rate (GIC) were determined for the epoxy resin EPOLAM 2025 following the D5045 standard and using Compact Tension (CT) specimens. Given the difficulty to produce a pre-crack at the tip of the notch of the CT sample, that fulfils the standard requirements, alternative experimental methods were attempted. Furthermore, a finite element analysis using the commercial Abaqus code was carried out to obtain the fracture parameters numerically and to study the relationship between the crack length and KI. Although the fracture parameters obtained experimentally are within the range of values expected for such a material, they may not be precise because of the inaccuracy of the pre-cracks. No alternative pre-cracking method was found to be more adequate than the one used in this work, but its efficiency could be proved numerically.
Keywords: epoxy resin, fracture characterization, testing, numerical analysis
Cite this article: M. Casasola, M.J. Lamela, A. Fernández-Canteli, Miguel Muñiz-Calvente, F. Pelayo, Adrián Álvarez-Vázquez, A. Salazar, J.M. Pintado. FRACTURE CHARACTERIZATION OF EPOXY ADHESIVES USING PRE-CRACKED CT SAMPLES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 13, 25-37 (2019).
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