Vasiliki Dimou, Metaxeni S. Symeonidou
Pages: 187-198
Published: 18 Sep 2019
Views: 901
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Abstract: The evolution and constant development of chainsaws aims at the increase of their productivity, their ergonomic improvement as well as their eco-friendliness. The use of catalytic chainsaws in timber harvesting operations is in line with this eco-friendly approach. In the present paper an attempt is made to assess the productivity of a Stihl MS 170D catalytic chainsaw compared with a conventional Stihl MS 181 saw. The aim of the present research was to perform a time study of timber harvesting operations with a view to comparing the productivity of a catalytic and a conventional chainsaw. According to the results of the research, the hourly production of the catalytic chainsaw with and without delays was 3.35 cubic meters per hour (12 trees/hour) and 3.48 cubic meters per hour (13 trees/hour), respectively. The hourly production of the conventional saw with and without delays was 3.42 cubic meters per hour (14 trees/hour) and 3.91 cubic meters per hour (16 trees/hour), respectively. Finally, the average time in minutes required for the production of a cubic meter of timber was 28.27 min/cub.m. and 24.21 min/cub.m. for the catalytic and the conventional saw respectively. The results showed that there is nearly no difference between Stihl MS 170D and Stihl MS 181.
Keywords: chainsaw, catalytic, timber harvesting, time study
Cite this article: Vasiliki Dimou, Metaxeni S. Symeonidou. EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS PRODUCTIVITY OF MOTOR-MANUAL FELLING WITH A CATALYTIC CHAINSAW. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 13, 187-198 (2019). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001894/
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