Zbigniew Malara, Paweł Ziembicki
Pages: 175-183
Published: 5 Oct 2019
Views: 1,061
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Abstract: The paper presents next, third group of results of research on the image of the employer have been conducted among the young generation. Previous studies contained the context of talent management (2014) and distinguishing the employer's by implementing the personnel function (2015). The assumption is that the tendency to Employer Branding (EB) strategic treatment intensifies with perception of this phenomenon by the Y generation. A synthetic presentation of the results in relation to the two previous studies was presented. Respondents were people up to 45 years old from the Wroclaw agglomeration. The obtained results confirmed this assumption. In subsequent studies conducted in 2019, the image of the employers evaluated through the prism of trust.
Keywords: image, employer, research, young generation
Cite this article: Zbigniew Malara, Paweł Ziembicki. EMPLOYER BRANDING - PERCEPTION OF GENERATION “Y” IN THE LIGHT OF OWN RESEARCH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 13, 175-183 (2019). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001920/
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