Dimitra Ap. Georgiou, Ioannis Katsenos, George S. Androulakis
Pages: 273-288
Published: 5 Oct 2019
Views: 885
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Abstract: This paper explores the factors that affect students' ability in working with others. Students’ ability to co-operate with their tutors and their fellow students emerged as a crucial element of the burnout syndrome; the approach was based on an exploratory factor analysis of a structured questionnaire answered by 582 students of the University of Patras. In particular, the student's ability to collaborate with others was analysed via a hierarchical regression tree, the factors of which were in turn decomposed into their dominant independent variables creating thus, nested hierarchical regression trees of direct and indirect influences. The results showed that the main set of factors influencing students' ability to cooperate with each other and with their tutors are in principle the physical - psychoemotional exhaustion, appearing a strong direct correlation. Further set of factors towards the ability of student collaboration emerged to be student's lack of emotional self-determination as well as the lack of interest in their studies. In addition, this research indicated that the students' workload pressure causes physical and psychoemotional exhaustion and ultimately degrades their ability in working with others.
Keywords: students, working with others, hierarchical regression tree, questionnaire, teamwork
Cite this article: Dimitra Ap. Georgiou, Ioannis Katsenos, George S. Androulakis. ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE ABILITY OF WORKING WITH OTHERS AS AN ELEMENT OF STUDENTS’ BURNOUT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 13, 273-288 (2019).
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