Myagmarsuren Orosoo
Pages: 72-78
Published: 7 Oct 2019
Views: 1,154
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Abstract: In this article, we examine the English language policy implementation in Mongolian Education Sector, case of Mongolian National University of Education. The article begins with a short investigation of the term ‘applied linguistics’ for examine the part of language trying inside this discipline, the association between policies and planning. The paper utilizes Baldauf and Kaplan’s framework of language-in-education policy goals to analyze policy on EFL in Mongolia and makes introductions on access policy, community policy, resourcing policy, curriculum policy, methodology and material policy, personnel policy and evaluation policy. These are the basis for understanding language-in-education policy and issues associated with its implementation. Purpose of the article is to discuss that the results involved in language policy implementation is necessary not only for achieving next level of the language, but also for achieving programs objects and aims. So we generally focused on curriculum policy and evaluation policy. In survey were participated 210 freshmen students who study at Mongolian National University of Education. We took proficiency testing and questionnaire from 210 freshman students who are studying English II (B1level) and as the assessment revealed 88.1% of them were failed. Also 81 MA and doctorate students, who were non-professional in English at the Mongolian National University of Education, and 81.4% of them, were failed and they have A1, A2 level even though they had an upper level’s academic programs and curriculum. Then we consider English II, IV classes are unlikely to be matched in our evaluation system and objectives of the curriculum.
Keywords: language acquisition planning, policy, implementation
Cite this article: Myagmarsuren Orosoo. ENGLISH LANGUAGE POLICY FOR EDUCATION AND IMPLEMENTATION IN MONGOLIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 13, 72-78 (2019). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001949/
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