Theodoros Philippidis, Eleutheria Balbouzi, Anastasia Koumoutsi, Pericles Akrivos
Pages: 34-41
Published: 13 Oct 2019
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Abstract: Validation is provided to the assumption that Chemistry, being an experimental subject taught to secondary education students, is better understood via the performance of relevant experiments within the classroom. The case of solution Chemistry, especially solubility, description of solutions in terms of their concentration as well as estimation of concentrations following dilution or mixing is studied by means of a questionnaire addressed to first year senior high school students who have been exposed to varying degree of experimentation during their junior high school studies. The questionnaire is tested as of its validity for drawing conclusions and of its potential use as a test for future evaluation of senior high school students referring to their understanding of nomenclature and properties of solutions. A total of 208 students in three different schools in Northern Greece have been subjected to the study.
Keywords: secondary education, solutions, solution concentration, understanding evaluation
Cite this article: Theodoros Philippidis, Eleutheria Balbouzi, Anastasia Koumoutsi, Pericles Akrivos. CLASSROOM EXPERIMENTS AS SOLUTION FOR UNDERSTANDING SOLUTIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 17, 34-41 (2019).
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