Eleonora P. Stancheva-Todorova
Pages: 104-116
Published: 13 Oct 2019
Views: 1,405
Downloads: 124
Abstract: In order to enhance the capabilities of accounting graduates before entering into the profession, the current textbook-based, rule-intensive, lecture/problem style way of teaching accounting at universities should be substituted by a radically new approach and innovative methods. Considering the need for urgent and fundamental changes to how we teach accounting disciplines, which are so important for all business professionals, this paper is aiming to review and promote few innovative teaching methods after performing some critical analysis of their usefulness and application in the accounting domain. The relevant literature is revised for the purpose of introducing some of the recent accomplishments in mastering the teaching of accounting disciplines at universities. Moreover, some insights from faculty are presented and referred to as good practices in the accounting higher education. In particular, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), nowadays considered a real challenge before accounting education providers, is critically analysed. A special attention is paid to utilisation of business games and simulations in accounting courses. The Color Accounting teaching system is presented and its implementation in the introductory accounting course is briefly discussed. In addition, the corporate educational films of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wells (ICAEW) are introduces as a modern substitute for the traditional case study method, widely used in few accounting modules.
Keywords: teaching methods, accounting higher education, business games and simulation, color accounting, corporate educational films
Cite this article: Eleonora P. Stancheva-Todorova. USING INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS IN ACCOUNTING HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 17, 104-116 (2019).
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