Kristine Mackare, Anita Jansone
Pages: 194-206
Published: 13 Oct 2019
Views: 1,016
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Abstract: Personalised learning is up-to-date topic and researchers, pedagogies and learning facilities are trying to invent it in education systems. It is possible because of a more detailed examination of children problems with learning and reading difficulties and more active trying of integration of disabled persons. Technologies and screens are helping tools. Nowadays opened world people more and more prefer to use different kind of distance, online or Internet-based learning and studying possibilities. There is a huge amount of e-materials to use for gaining knowledge. It is also a regular pupil and student without disability or specific limitations. Why are not we thinking also about them? As still, not everyone is comfortable with long screen reading. It is based on human evaluation of reading processes what are not adapted to new perception situation on-screen reading. Analysing guidelines, scientific information, publications of research there are found the huge problem - there is unambiguity in recommendations and no developed and available detailed formatting recommendations and guidelines for e-materials. Mostly suggested to use the same parameters as for printed materials but it is not the best solution for screen reading. E-material formatting recommendations have been created and developed based on literature research, vision science basics and user’s preference surveys. Automatic e-material formatting app prototype is in progress of developing for easier and comfortable formatting use. The main focus of development is to find the best solution for screen reading, reach a higher comfort level for learners and reach big improvement of reading perception and learning improvement. It is related to the fundamental idea of personalised learning. For now, it is developed to reach the needs of different target groups, but the idea is to create it based on wide usage possibilities in the future as can be adapted to different situations and conditions.
Keywords: app, e-material formatting, e-study, personalised learning, screen reading, user-centric design
Cite this article: Kristine Mackare, Anita Jansone. PERSONALISED LEARNING: EFFECTIVE E-MATERIAL FORMATTING FOR USERS WITHOUT DISABILITY OR SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 17, 194-206 (2019).
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