Zita Baužienė, Janina Morkūnienė
Pages: 207-215
Published: 13 Oct 2019
Views: 1,052
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Abstract: The article analyzes the link between self-learning and study quality. After analyzing scientific references, the criteria, based on which the peculiarities of students' independent learning were assessed, were identified. The results of qualitative research revealed that the success of studies is determined by students' ability to plan time, preparation for studies as well as targeted studies, sufficient, properly prepared self-learning tasks. The research findings were analyzed focusing on the fact that students are the representatives of the generation Z and the teachers are the generation X or Y. This has highlighted the problem of the difference between generations, what has a significant impact on the quality of studies.
Keywords: self-learning, generations x, y and z, self-study time
Cite this article: Zita Baužienė, Janina Morkūnienė. SELF-LEARNING - THE WAY TO THE QUALITY OF STUDIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 17, 207-215 (2019).
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