Elena Welchinska
Pages: 301-310
Published: 30 Oct 2019
Views: 894
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Abstract: Forensic chemistry examines medicinal products from the point of view of their toxicity and degree of poisoning. Medicinal products in therapeutic doses are drugs, and in toxic or lethal doses - these are poisons. The most common causes of poisoning in Europe and America are: among children - domestic poisoning and poisoning with pharmaceuticals; among adolescents - poisoning due to the abuse of lethal substances; among adults - poisoning with analgesics, psychotropic drugs, barbiturates and hypnotic non-barbiturate type. Pharmaceutical counterfeits are often found in pharmacies, which are often counterfeit pharmaceuticals from well-known pharmaceutical companies. Forensic chemistry plays an important role in the diagnosis of poisoning, in the fight against crime.
Keywords: forensic chemistry, poisons, alkaloids, medicines, analysis, toxicity, chemical-toxicological analysis
Cite this article: Elena Welchinska. STUDY OF MEDICINAL POISONS IN FORENSIC CHEMISTRY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 13, 301-310 (2019).
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