Balasan Daniela Lavinia, Florin-Marian Buhociu
Pages: 190-198
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 790
Downloads: 113
Abstract: Across the country, rural society is experiencing a process of change nowadays. This process is a result of socio-economic change. The rural environment is acquainted with a constantly evolving dynamic reality and confrontation with the urban environment. More than half of the population of the Member States of the European Union is in rural spaces. These areas summarize almost 90% of Europe's territory. The vital factors for land use and the management of natural resources in rural areas are livestock growth and forestry. Rural areas face major problems, such as the lower average income from urban areas due to the fact that the services are more poorly developed. The development of agriculture and rural space should be based on the innovation of structures for the processing and marketing of agricultural products, the development of rural infrastructure, and the improvement of the rural economy by creating jobs in rural area and preservation of the rural environment.
Keywords: rural development, countryside, strategy, region, complexity, agricultural policy
Cite this article: Balasan Daniela Lavinia, Florin-Marian Buhociu. REGION PROFILE 2SE: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 8, 190-198 (2020).
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