Anisa Liti, Orges Cara, Jordan Mërkuri, Magdalena Cara
Pages: 75-81
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 912
Downloads: 106
Abstract: Particulate matter such as PM10 and PM2.5 are defined as the fraction of particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than respectively 10 and 2.5 μm. PM originates from natural sources and anthropogenic emissions, with the latter being the focus of environmental protection since it can be controlled by emission reduction measures. Fine PM carries unexpectedly high numbers of microorganisms, some of which might be pathogens or opportunistic pathogens that cause respiratory diseases. In this study we have made the measurements in 12 areas of Durres, during February 2019- October 2019. In each area PM2.5 and PM10 values were measured at 10-14 different points. Regarding the EU standard for PM10 which is 0.03 mg / m3 and the Albanian standard which is 0.06 mg / m3., our study shows that in Durres, the average value of PM10 in the air is 0.035 mg / m3 which is within the Albanian standard, but a bit higher compared to the EU standard. Regarding the EU standard for PM2.5 which is 0.025 mg / m3 and the Albanian standard which is 0.06 mg / m3., our study shows that in Durres, the average value of PM10 in the air is 0.035 mg / m3 which is within the Albanian standard, but higher compared to the EU standard.
Keywords: pm10, pm2.5, air quality, albanian standards, eu standards
Cite this article: Anisa Liti, Orges Cara, Jordan Mërkuri, Magdalena Cara. THE MONITORING OF PM2.5 AND PM10 IN THE AIR IN DURRES, ALBANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 14, 75-81 (2020).
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