Łukasz Święch
Pages: 146-155
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 805
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Abstract: The paper presents results of experimental investigations of fatigue behaviour of thin-walled integrally stiffened plates. Structures under consideration was treated as the skin part of the semi-monocoque construction and subjected to shear load what led to the post-buckling state of deformation. Tested plate was manufactured as an integral construction from 2024-T3 aluminium alloy with use of the CNC milling machine. Experimental results of preliminary static test in the form of displacement fields obtained by the digital image correlation method were compared to the results of numerical calculations. On the basis of this comparison, the correctness of the stress distribution obtained by numerical method was found and the load level for fatigue test was chosen. The conducted experimental tests showed a significant influence of the stiffener arrangement on the form of fatigue failure.
Keywords: thin-walled structures, integrally stiffened structures, post-buckling, nonlinear deformations, fatigue tests, digital image correlation, finite eleme
Cite this article: Łukasz Święch. THE EFFECT OF INTEGRAL STIFFENING ON THE FATIGUE OF THIN-WALLED PLATES SUBJECTED TO SHEAR. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 14, 146-155 (2020).
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