Irena Malolli
Pages: 164-174
Published: 14 Sep 2020
Views: 693
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Abstract: The extensive rapid growth of the mobile data traffic in the last decade is expected to continue in the future in similar or higher rates. As a result, the mobile network operators have been facing the challenges of serving to the high demand by upgrading their current network architectures. On top of that an extraordinary situation occurred during COVID-19 situation. The data traffic enormously increased in few weeks, the traffic pattern drastically changes imposing some immediate measures and actions from all stakeholders, telecom network operators, content providers, regulators policymakers etc. In this article, we will present the impact of COVID -19 globally and focused in Albanian case as well as on some of the solutions on traffic successful data traffic handling such as WiFI off-loading and LTE-U implementation or expansion of spectrum allocation. A comparison within the several methods is presented, with regard to their deployment requirements, performance and feasibility.
Keywords: traffic management, mobile data, wifi offload, lte-u, spectrum
Cite this article: Irena Malolli. DATA TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES DURING COVID-19. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 14, 164-174 (2020).
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