Anna Horzela
Pages: 291-298
Published: 14 Sep 2020
Views: 781
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Abstract: The analysis of the effects of the commercialization process of public health care facilities has a great importance both in the economic and socio-political context. It is important to determine further directions of restructuring public health care, so that its better economic functioning would not be related to the deterioration of access to universal healthcare. In view of the above, the purpose of the article is to present the potential effects of the commercialization process of a public hospital on the example of a facility located in the Silesian Voivodeship. On this basis, the author attempted to answer the research question "Does the commercialization of public hospitals positively affect the quality of their services and patient satisfaction?" In order to search for evidence enabling answering the research question, the case study method - appropriate for the analysis of qualitative phenomenon. Case study allows to formulate conclusions about the causes and results of the real course, economic phenomenon, e.g. organization, management process, its elements or the environment of the organization. The study undertaken by the Author is a single case study, in which the author used various techniques and tools for collecting and analyzing data, i.e. participatory observations, documentation of the examined organization and internet sources. The analysis showed that the commercialization of the hospital has a positive effect on improving the quality of services provided, both before and after commercialization, patients are the most important group for which the hospital provides services.
Keywords: development strategy, hospitals conditions, national health service
Cite this article: Anna Horzela. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE IN POLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 14, 291-298 (2020).
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