Mayiana Mitevska-Encheva, Paulina Tsvetanova Tsvetkova
Pages: 87-96
Published: 16 Sep 2020
Views: 1,029
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Abstract: The main aim of the study is to check the career choice of students and undergraduates and the impact of the place, where a person lives and grows up, on the choice. The model of J.Holland, adapted for Bulgarian sociocultural context by S.Karabeliova, was used. This approach allows to distinguish the structure-forming elements of the career preferences of the individual in the middle and late adolescence and early adulthood from the peripheral and dynamic ones, which are in the process of change. The research was conducted from February to April 2019 and included 509 people in total – 162 students and 314 undergraduates who live in Sofia, 98 undergraduates who live in Plovdiv and 97 undergraduates who live in Burgas. The data was analysed via the computer programme SPSS – 21. The place of residence is a factor which differentiates the career types and has an effect on each career type except for the realistic one. There aren’t any clear career preferences according to the place of residence.
Keywords: career, personality, education, place of residence
Cite this article: Mayiana Mitevska-Encheva, Paulina Tsvetanova Tsvetkova. EFFECTS OF THE PLACE OF RESIDENCE ON THE CAREER CHOICE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 87-96 (2020). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002101/
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