Elena Belova
Pages: 32-38
Published: 16 Sep 2020
Views: 759
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the conditions for the disclosure of children's giftedness at the under school age. The focus is on the psychological aspects of the kindergarten microenvironment. The issues of creating a microenvironment conducive to the development of giftedness of preschool children are discussed. The results of a study of how gifted children perceive a kindergarten are presented. A comparison is made with peers. According to the data obtained, microenvironment of the kindergarten is perceived as comfortable and favorable by most part of gifted children (60.87%) and some less part of their peers (43.48%). Signs of emotional comfort of other children were manifested in combination with signs of a certain discomfort in the perception of the kindergarten microenvironment. The importance of matching the kindergarten microenvironment with the needs and capabilities of gifted children is emphasized.
Keywords: gifted child, microenvironment, kindergarten, development, preschool age, creative potential
Cite this article: Elena Belova. GIFTED CHILD AND MICROENVIRONMENT OF KINDERGARTEN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 14, 32-38 (2020).
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