Georgiana Poiană, Alexandra-Georgiana Poenaru, Liliana Mâță
Pages: 209-216
Published: 21 Sep 2020
Views: 868
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Abstract: In today’s information age, the use of information technology is universal. The aim of the paper is to highlight the principles underlying the ethical use of digital resources by students and university teachers. In nowadays society, the use of information technology by students can be both an opportunity and a threat. The role of university teachers is undergoing changes as a result of the ethical implications created by the increasing use of information technologies to carry out educational activities. The current context of online teaching and assessment has generated new issues regarding the ethical use of information technology. In the first part of the paper, on the one hand, the key concepts are defined, such as academic ethics, computer ethics and ethical responsibility, and, on the other hand, the main issues involved in the unethical use of technological resources are presented. In the second part of the paper, there are highlighted the principles underlying the ethical use of technological instruments in academia.
Keywords: information technology, ethics, higher education, responsibility, principles
Cite this article: Georgiana Poiană, Alexandra-Georgiana Poenaru, Liliana Mâță. ACADEMIC ETHICS IN THE CONTEXT OF USING TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 209-216 (2020).
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