Irina D. Stambolova, Nelly D. Boshkova, Daniela D. Stoyanova, Vladimir N. Blaskov, Silviya S. Simeonova, Nikolai St. Boshkov
Pages: 300-307
Published: 12 Nov 2020
Views: 828
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Abstract: Two type of multilayer structures based on ZrO2 coatings deposited on TiO2 were applied on low carbon steel and their structure, composition and anticorrosion properties were evaluated in 5%NaCl salt medium. The phase composition, morphology and the elemental distribution of the coatings were investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The corrosion performance of the coatings was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization measurements (PD). The zirconia/titania mixed oxide coating exhibited an enhanced corrosion resistance than those of the low carbon steel as indicаted by the reduced current density, probably due to the presence of amorphous structure on the layers and dense surface without visible cracks and pits (barrier effect).
Keywords: corrosion protection, dip coating, barrier properties, morphology
Cite this article: Irina D. Stambolova, Nelly D. Boshkova, Daniela D. Stoyanova, Vladimir N. Blaskov, Silviya S. Simeonova, Nikolai St. Boshkov. CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF LOW-CARBON STEEL COATED WITH DIFFERENT TYPE OF TIO2/ZRO2 LAYERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 14, 300-307 (2020).
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