Xu Hartling
Pages: 316-328
Published: 21 Mar 2021
Views: 602
Downloads: 42
Abstract: Local food system links scattered issues including food safety and quality, carbon footprint, community development, and socially responsible purchasing and is considered as the key to solve these issues. In this paper, farm stands, farmers markets, and CSA are comprehensively studied as the most important entities in local food system. This paper provides an in depth review of CSA including its definition and history, types, mechanism, operations, benefits, as well as obstacles and challenges. The paper also reviews food system and food miles, then links local food system to the contribution to the community and environment. A deep understanding of individual social responsibility as the ultimate motivation of the movement of promotion and adoption of local food is presented. The consumption of local food and the operation of local food system reduce food miles. As a result, they reduce the carbon emissions associated with the production, distribution, and consumption of local food. This paper closely examines the reasons contributing to the success of local food system and lessons learned from various studies. Not only focusing on the United States, this paper shares experience from different counties including Japan, France, Hungary, Italy, Argentina, and Canada. It is undoubtable that local food system has so many benefits. However, it also experiences some issues with community development. It is also important to admit the fact that local transportation system associated with local food system may not always be as efficient as conventional systems. Other important issues include the production method, packaging considerations, and personal dietary choices. It is important to understand that local food system benefits the environment might be limited or under certain condition.
Keywords: farm stand, farmers market, community supported agriculture, food system, local food system, social responsibility, food miles, greenhouse gas
Cite this article: Xu Hartling. THE CONTRIBUTION OF FARM STAND, FARMERS MARKET, AND COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE TO THE COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 14, 316-328 (2021).
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