Jiri Cerven, Aneta Matznerova, Kristyna Kundratova, Martin Bartas, Petr Pecinka, Vladislav Curn
Pages: 116-122
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 739
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Abstract: Opium poppy is cultivated for both alkaloids, that can be used in pharmacology as well as for seed, that is valuable in food production. In both cases, levels of alkaloid production are important, even though desired levels are antagonistic. Using bioinformatical approaches we have found full or partial duplications of genes responsible for different steps in morphine production pathways. We hypothesize, that gene duplications or deletions are responsible for different alkaloid content in different poppy varieties. We have tested this hypothesis by qPCR detection of gene duplications in two contrasting (Buddha – high morphine and Redy – low morphine) varieties of poppy and found partial duplications of SalS, SalR, SalAT, NCS2, CODM genes, and whole 4OMT gene duplication in the Buddha variety. In the future work, we will test this hypothesis on more varieties and confirm our findings by FISH and sequencing.
Keywords: opium poppy, morphine, gene duplication, breeding
Cite this article: Jiri Cerven, Aneta Matznerova, Kristyna Kundratova, Martin Bartas, Petr Pecinka, Vladislav Curn. MECHANISMS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF OPIUM COMPOSITION IN SELECTED LINEAGES OF OPIUM POPPY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 116-122 (2021).
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