Vita Sterna, Imants Jansons, Mara Bleidere, Margita Damskalne, Sanita Zute
Pages: 123-130
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 1,028
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Abstract: Barley is the main fodder crop in pig production. Feeding barley diets to finisher pigs can improve pork quality compared with feeding corn. Barley has a lower fat and linoleic acid content than corn, resulting in firmer pork fat. Hulless barley offers economic benefits compared to hulled barley because is not necessary pretreatment, saves space and logistics costs. Hulless barley have higher content of protein which is essential in the feeding of pigs. The aim of the study was to compare new hulles barley breeding line’s chemical composition with hulled barley cultivars. Evaluation of protein composition showed 4-14% higher protein content, 6% higher sumo of essential amino acids in hulles barley samples in comparison with hulled barley. Data of study shows that fat, ash, calcium and phosphorus are not different, in turn total fibre, ADF, NDF significantly differed between hulless and hulled barley samples. Total fibre in hulless barley was determined from 2.08% līdz 2.18%, but in hulled barley samples from 4.04% to 5.45%. Based on chemical composition GE was calculated, it was from 15.07 to 15.58 MJ/kg for hulless barley and 14.69 – 15,08 MJ/kg for hulled barley.
Keywords: feed, grain cultivars, protein, amino acids
Cite this article: Vita Sterna, Imants Jansons, Mara Bleidere, Margita Damskalne, Sanita Zute. COMPARISON OF HULLED AND HULLESS BARLEY COMPOSITION FROM PIG FEEDING POINT OF VIEW. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 123-130 (2021).
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