R.Kh. Khuziakhmetov, I.R. Minazov, A.A. Khalilov, N.V. Ksandrov
Pages: 265-273
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 642
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Abstract: A method is proposed for obtaining prolonged nitrogen-magnesium fertilizers by «cementing» industrial nitrogen fertilizers ( urea – Ur, ammonium nitrate – АN) with some magnesium hydroxide salts [nMg(OН)2·Mg(NO3)2·mН2О, nMg(OН)2·MgSO4·mН2О – also known as «Sorel's cement» (SC)]. The components of «Sorel cement» contain the main elements of plant nutrition (N, Mg, S), the resulting complex N(Mg)- and N(MgS) fertilizers are alkaline [due to the presence of Mg(OН)2], which contributes to the neutralization of soil acidity. The proposed method allows you to obtain a granular urea-ammonia mixture (UAM) instead of its solution. The main criteria for the quality of prolonged N(Mg)- and N(MgS)-fertilizers are the ratio «MgO:UAM»; «SC:UAM»; «MgO:N». The total content of N(Mg) 2030 % with the optimal ratio «MgО:N» = (0,20,6) mass. It has been established that the strength of granules of N(Mg)- and N(MgS)-fertilizers is much higher (compared to granules of urea), and the dissolution rate is 10-50 times less. The pot experiments show that the new fertilizer contribute to a substantial increase in weight of wheat (at 26-49 %) and the yield of green mass Sudan grass (at 28-35%).
Keywords: prolonged nitrogen-magnesium fertilizers, sorel's cement, neutralization of soil acidity, granular urea-ammonia mixture
Cite this article: R.Kh. Khuziakhmetov, I.R. Minazov, A.A. Khalilov, N.V. Ksandrov. THE TECHNOLOGY OF PROLONGED NITROGEN-MAGNESIUM FERTILIZERS AND ASSESSMENT OF THEIR AGROCHEMICAL EFFICIENCY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 265-273 (2021).
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