Ioan-L. Caba, Ana-Maria Marin, Gheorghe Voicu, Edmond Maican, Iulian Duţu, Carmen Brăcăcescu, Lucreţia Popa, Nicolae M. Horablaga, Ciprian C. Buzna, C
Pages: 303-315
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 786
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Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Systems have an essential contribution to the development and improvement of precision farming (agriculture-4.0). Monitoring the vegetation status of agricultural crops is the main factor in precision farming management. One of the methods used to make decisions at the right time is the use and analysis of crop vegetation indices. UAS monitored values of vegetation indices are calculated by measurement reflectance of sunlight on the surface of crops, values related to the state of development and health of plants. The processing of data recorded for monitored crops can be done online or offline and, depending on the correctness of their interpretation, managerial decisions can influence the ROI indicator of the farm.
Keywords: agriculture-4.0, uavs, monitoring crops, ai, analysis of agricultural processes
Cite this article: Ioan-L. Caba, Ana-Maria Marin, Gheorghe Voicu, Edmond Maican, Iulian Duţu, Carmen Brăcăcescu, Lucreţia Popa, Nicolae M. Horablaga, Ciprian C. Buzna, C. PRECISION AGRICULTURE, THE ROLE OF AGRIDRONES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FARMING ENVIRONMENT. A REVIEW. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 303-315 (2021).
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