Pınar Gültekin
Pages: 65-72
Published: 20 Sep 2021
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Abstract: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are used for analysis, processing and mapping of objects and events on the earth. It provides classification of information by using databases for query purposes and statistical analysis. In addition to these applications, GIS; it is used in many areas such as natural resource management, rural and urban planning, natural disaster method and ecosystem planning. In this study, document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The studies which is prepared by using GIS on riparian ecosystems in Turkey for last decade have been analyzed. Totally 10 scientic studies were analyzed. It has been determined that studies have become widespread in the last decade with the widespread using of GIS. The importance of GIS has been emphasized in the protection of riparian ecosystems and studies on landscape management. With this study, the protection of Riparian ecosystems in Turkey and increasing the use of GIS is considered within the scope of landscape management and new research questions will provide a major contribution towards the reveal.
Keywords: document review, landscape management gis, riparian ecosystem, turkey
Cite this article: Pınar Gültekin. AN EVALUATION OF STUDIES ON USING GIS BASED ANALYSIS IN TURKEY’S RIPARIAN ECOSYSTEMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 15, 65-72 (2021).
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