Yaşar Selman Gültekin
Pages: 73-81
Published: 20 Sep 2021
Views: 852
Downloads: 65
Abstract: Riparian ecosystems are important areas of energy and nutrient passages along rivers and streams, between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, where a large number of species live. However, there are contradictions in the literature regarding the concept of riparian area and its awareness, scientific studies focus only on ecological effects, anthropogenic effects and socio-economic dimensions are not at sufficient level and the concept of "riparian" is often not included among key words. In this study, document analysis method is used as the qualitative research methods. The scientific studies which are directly or indirectly associated with Riparian ecosystems were analyzed in Turkey. A general evaluation has been made about the findings obtained within the scope of the study. For riparian ecosystems, the studies’ sufficiency level interpreted held in Turkey, recommendations on how to correct the deficiencies have been developed. It is thought that it will make great contributions to the emergence of new research questions and the development of scientific project topics to increase the level of knowledge on the issue of recognition Riparian ecosystems in Turkey with this study.
Keywords: document review, inventory, riparian ecosystems, turkey
Cite this article: Yaşar Selman Gültekin. AN OVERVIEW OF STUDIES ON “RIPARIAN ECOSYSTEMS” IN TURKEY (2010–2021). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 15, 73-81 (2021).
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