Galinskaitė L., Ignatavičius G.
Pages: 82-92
Published: 20 Sep 2021
Views: 645
Downloads: 51
Abstract: Animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) are a major traffic safety concern since they result in substantial economic and medical costs when causing property damages and injuring or killing humans and animals (Jägerbrand Antonson & Ahlström 2018). Recent studies evaluated nonfatal human injuries from animal-vehicle collisions but information on fatal animal-vehicle collisions is limited. This restricted our understanding of when, where, and how frequently injuring, humans animal-vehicle collisions occur, and whether these patterns differentiate from those for total AVCs. We found that over the last 7 years (2013-2019) more than 18,222 collisions with animals (both wild and domestic species) occurred on the roads of Lithuania where 6 people were killed and 158 were injured. Most human-injured collisions occurred in dry-main roads, at nighttime (period of ambient darkness from sunset to sunrise), during the summer months, and in clear weather. In Lithuania, collisions between moose and vehicles cause the highest number of injuries compared to collisions with other animal species. This data is important as it provides insight into factors that may heighten the risk of AVC.
Keywords: animal, vehicle, collision, fatalities, injuries, human safety
Cite this article: Galinskaitė L., Ignatavičius G.. CIRCUMSTANCES PATTERNS OF ANIMAL-VEHICLE COLLISIONS (AVCS) WITH PERSONAL INJURIES IN LITHUANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 15, 82-92 (2021).
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