Mariusz Kołosowski, Jacek Tomasiak
Pages: 98-104
Published: 23 Sep 2021
Views: 829
Downloads: 112
Abstract: A new direction of activity, which has been developed very heavily over the last years, and which is in compliance with the sustainable development policy, is i.a. increasing the participation of renewable and alternative sources of energy, improving the energy efficiency, and climate changes prevention. On the other hand, the use of process waste energy which can be a source of electricity, is relatively low. Most of the solutions regarding the application of waste energy relate to drying and heating processes the application in drying processes or for heating purposes. New low-temperature energy generation techniques in ORC systems or in the Kalina cycle, created the conditions for a different, more environmentally friendly, manner of applying process waste heat. The article presents the method of using waste enthalpy of high-temperature thermal processes within WHR (Waste Heat Recovery) systems, which rely on combining the technological process with generating "clean" electricity, without the gas emission. The production of electricity combined with the production process, similar to cogeneration in the commercial power industry, is a technology of the future, which, apart from its economic benefits, also has great ecological importance.
Keywords: waste heat recovery, combined heat and power, cement industry, organic rankine cycle, rotary kiln, carbon dioxide emissions
Cite this article: Mariusz Kołosowski, Jacek Tomasiak. PROCESS WASTE ENERGY AS AN ELECTRICAL ENERGY SOURCE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 15, 98-104 (2021).
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