Svetlana V. Makarova, Natalia V. Bulina, Igor Yu. Prosanov, Marina V. Chaikina
Pages: 239-245
Published: 23 Sep 2021
Views: 655
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Abstract: The hydroxyapatite is a material chemically similar to the mineral composition of human bone and dental tissues. The introduction of substituents into the structure of HA leads to changes in the biological and physico-chemical properties of materials based on such substitution. The samples with different equal concentration of substituents such as zinc and silicate were obtained via the mechanochemical synthesis. The co-substituted HA samples were investigated by means of FTIR spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. It is shown that this method of the synthesis makes it possible to obtain a single-phase product after 30 min of mechanical action in a planetary ball mill. The substitution limit for the case of double equal substitution has been determined. The effect of heat treatment on the structure of synthesized materials is revealed.
Keywords: hydroxyapatite, co-substitution, zinc, silicate
Cite this article: Svetlana V. Makarova, Natalia V. Bulina, Igor Yu. Prosanov, Marina V. Chaikina. STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF ZINC AND SILICATE CO-SUBSTITUTED HYDROXYAPATITE AS BIOMATERIAL FOR MEDICINE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 15, 239-245 (2021).
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