Anna P. Klippstein, Eliyahu C. Mätzschker, Maxim Boichenko, Shyanne Peterson, Paolo Nuti, Christopher Devon, Larry E. Williams II, Merlin-Cederic
Pages: 36-48
Published: 29 Sep 2021
Views: 793
Downloads: 115
Abstract: Since COVID-19 pandemic hit the world economy we observe diverse movements on the capital markets. After the global downturn in March 2020 the capital markets have shown quick recovery. Some sectors, e.g. technological stocks, have pushed to its historical height. What are the reasons and the consequences of these developments? Is the positive dynamic on the markets a result of expansionary monetary policy of the leading central banks? Or the capital markets are currently creating a next bubble formation similar to one in 2001-2002? Which impact has digital industries – the so called “winners of the pandemic” - on the development of the capital markets? This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the capital markets during pandemic and to compare the technological boom 2000-2002 with the current heights on the stock market.
Keywords: covid-19, bubble, growth stocks, value stocks, innovator’s dilemma, disruptive innovation
Cite this article: Anna P. Klippstein, Eliyahu C. Mätzschker, Maxim Boichenko, Shyanne Peterson, Paolo Nuti, Christopher Devon, Larry E. Williams II, Merlin-Cederic. PANDEMIC AND ITS IMPACT ON THE CAPITAL MARKETS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 15, 36-48 (2021).
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