Jana Galera Matúšová, Ľubica Varečková
Pages: 278-283
Published: 29 Sep 2021
Views: 554
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Abstract: Not only the current pandemic situation depicts necessary changes in the communication of companies within different sectors, moreover the increasing emphasis is put on the management of reputation as one of the main attributes of a company philosophy. The company has to gain its reputation, and the reputation has been becoming its greatest asset. According to statistics, the strong corporate image can in average increase the company value by 5 to 7%. In the communication market can be recently observed several trends: companies more frequently focus on their reputation acquisition; when choosing products or services, the recommendations of influencers are becoming important for customers; brands through their opinions are becoming more opened to political and social issues; importance of employer branding and internal communication is a gaining very significant position; in the case of media relations, we are no longer just talking about journalists, but also about the changed type of work of PR employees. Furthermore, the issue of ethics in digital communication emerges as an important issue.
Keywords: image, communication, new trends, pr, reputation
Cite this article: Jana Galera Matúšová, Ľubica Varečková. NEW TRENDS IN COMMUNICATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 15, 278-283 (2021).
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