Petr Adamec
Pages: 148-157
Published: 4 Oct 2021
Views: 530
Downloads: 42
Abstract: Counselling is an important area that belongs to the standard activities provided by universities. The counselling services provided cover several thematic areas. Usually, it is study, psychological, social, special-pedagogical and career counselling. These services primarily targeted to students helps not only them, but also help the teachers, employees, applicants and graduates. Problems are not avoided by anyone, and it is not possible to allow so that a person, even though having the skills and prerequisites for successful study, has to resign from studies because they did not find quality support at the right time. The aim of the paper is to acquaint with the partial results of the analysis of the demand for counselling services among students of all three levels of the selected public university in the Czech Republic, which also includes Counselling Centre. The results are focused specifically on the utilization rate of use or non-use of these counselling services, the reasons for their use or non-use by students, or other circumstances of the implementation of this activity. A questionnaire of our own design was used for data collection, which was distributed in electronic form. This survey was carried out as part of evaluation activities related to quality management processes at the university.
Keywords: counselling centre, counselling services, students with specific needs, university
Cite this article: Petr Adamec. RATE OF STUDENTS’ UTILIZATION OF UNIVERSITY COUNSELLING SERVICES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 148-157 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002298/
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