Giuseppe Liverano
Pages: 370-382
Published: 4 Oct 2021
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Abstract: The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of the autobiography in times of a pandemic and to understand its pedagogical value. As a tool of introspective investigation, through recourse to the memory of the writer and a continuous connection of the narrator with the events of their life, it manages to bring out elements that contribute to their growth, assigning to the autobiography an educational and self-forming value. Writing of oneself serves both the narrator and the reader to educate themselves to listen to their own experience and their own interiority, to interweave the fabrics of their existence in a bond of sense and meaning, through recourse to a memory that is linked to the events of the present and projects into the future. In my personal and family experience with the pandemic, the autobiographical account has proved to be a tool to help the writer and the people in their family, and to clarify the value of certain bonds and the significance of simple things, the pedagogical value of collateral beauty.
Keywords: autobiography, pedagogy, memory, education, pandemic
Cite this article: Giuseppe Liverano. THE EDUCATIVE VALUE OF AUTOBIOGRAPHIES DURING THE TIME OF PANDEMIC. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 370-382 (2021).
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