Zh. Baiteliyeva, K. Kuderinova
Pages: 10-18
Published: 29 Sep 2022
Views: 502
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Abstract: The article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of speech in Kazakh language of Generation Z, which differs from the previous generation in linguistic, cognitive, social, and psychological terms. The analysis of unprepared speeches of senior students of Nazarbayev University, leading university in our country, was carried out. Factors such as the social status of students, their major, language environment, educational environment and their impromptu speaking on a topic that was given a little earlier were comprehensively analyzed. The analysis considered the extent to which the topic was covered in general and how it was covered individually by each student. The results were analyzed.
Keywords: speech of youth, kazakh language, oral language
Cite this article: Zh. Baiteliyeva, K. Kuderinova. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE PROCESSES IN THE SPEECH OF YOUTH IN KAZAKH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 16, 10-18 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002344/
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