Małgorzata Abassy
Pages: 1-10
Published: 1 Oct 2022
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the changes brought about by the transformation of the University’s structure at the level of academic teacher-student relations. The starting point for the research reported here is the assumption that the coherence and stability of a University structure conducive to internationalization depends on the recognition of the value system that forms the content of the University. The smallest unit of research is the arrangement of two elements: the lecturer (academic teacher) and the student. This arrangement is multiplied. The aim of the study is to identify the dominant type of relationship of these two elements. The research hypothesis is that relationships constitute a certain type of content, which influences the structure. Consequently, content is an important factor in the success or failure of the internationalization process. The research material consists of data collected through semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to examine the data. Relational analysis was chosen to analyse the relationships between student* and teacher*. Final conclusions were drawn from a compilation of data obtained from students and contrasted with the data obtained from the teachers. Firstly, relationships are hierarchical, shaped by University tradition, age and knowledge difference. Secondly, there is a discrepancy in the semantics of the word authority: for the students it means a high, overawing degree of the teacher’s knowledge; for the teacher - being a personal role model. At the lexical level, to the greatest extent mutual relationships are shaped by the words student-teacher; mentor-mentee. Thirdly, the values that shape the reciprocal relationship are kindness and fairness. Internationalization is assessed negatively from the perspective of disrupting the hierarchical order, giving the University’s structure stability and the members of the academic community unquestionable knowledge of their rights and responsibilities.
Keywords: university, internationalization, communication, education, values, poland
Cite this article: Małgorzata Abassy. INTERNALIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY IN THE LIGHT OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACADEMIC TEACHERS AND STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY OF THE JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 1-10 (2022).
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