Maja Glogovac, Jelena Ruso, Ana Rakić, Bojana Dančula-Dejanović, Tatjana Krsmanović
Pages: 121-128
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 298
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Abstract: Given that the 4th Industrial Revolution encompasses not only the private but also the public sector, including the educational system also, all the educational institutions strive to be digitally transformed to the extent it is possible. Also, the COVID-19 period of time conditioned them to implement an online model of education without much time for the transition process. Also, there is an indication that the education system, in general, will move towards a combined (online and onsite) model in the future, as a response to new trends in Industry 4.0 era. Thus, the aim of this paper is to identify crucial limitations in the application of the online model of education for both teachers and pupils. The sample size is 166 respondents. The research instrument is the questionnaire that includes an evaluation of potential limitations in the application of the online model of education in primary schools in Serbia. The results could be used to give an adequate insight for decision-makers in this area.
Keywords: digital transformation, online model of education, limitations, primary schools
Cite this article: Maja Glogovac, Jelena Ruso, Ana Rakić, Bojana Dančula-Dejanović, Tatjana Krsmanović. LIMITATIONS IN THE APPLICATION OF THE ONLINE MODEL OF EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN SERBIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 121-128 (2022).
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