Mária Ganajová, Ivana Sotáková, Andrea Lešková
Pages: 169-182
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 443
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Abstract: The contribution informs about a new publication entitled “Formative Assessment and Its Implementation into Teaching Science, Mathematics, and Informatics” published by Wolters Kluwer in Slovakia in 2022. This publication is dedicated mainly to teachers working at all levels of education, teachers in training, pupils and students, and also their parents. It is available in common bookstores. The first part of the publication aims to explain the theory of formative assessment and its relationship to summative assessment. It deals with the strategies and tools of formative assessment focused on the development of conceptual understanding as well as meta-cognitive strategies. It provides the reader with an opportunity to learn how formative assessment is implemented in teaching and the types of digital platforms and tools that can make this process more efficient. The second part of the publication provides demonstrations of strategies and formative assessment tools (FACTs) for the selected Science subjects (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), Mathematics, and Informatics whose didactic efficiency has been verified in practice. The publication draws from respected scientific studies on formative assessment abroad and in Slovakia. The research team behind this publication has also gained valuable experience during formative assessment training courses, which they organised for primary and high school teachers. This team created and verified formative assessment tools in cooperation with teachers themselves and performed several research studies investigating the influence of formative assessment on the development of conceptual understanding and scientific skills.
Keywords: formative assessment, strategies and tools of formative assessment, implementation, conceptual understanding, scientific skills
Cite this article: Mária Ganajová, Ivana Sotáková, Andrea Lešková. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION INTO TEACHING SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, AND INFORMATICS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 169-182 (2022).
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