Ioana Raluca Dumitru, Adina Oana Câmpean
Pages: 318-325
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 566
Downloads: 49
Abstract: Today, students are really influenced by the digital age. Serious digital games improve the sense of responsibility, shape different skills and can help students achieve new knowledge. The students are already playing at home, and, as evidenced by this study, they use them on a daily basis. Digital games shape personality; gamers become adaptable, and they expect quick responses and feedback. Students' logical thinking, sense of creativity, problem solving, acting in various situations, and stress management are all improved by digital games. The most important thing, as revealed by the questionnaire, is that they are extremely happy when playing games. This study investigates the opinions of parents about fun and educational digital games. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire adapted by the researcher from the literature and applied online. Participation was voluntary. The study is trying to show if parents are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using didactic digital games in the classroom. The results show that respondents know that their children use digital games at home and in the classroom. They mostly think of using them as a method or approach for learning, that will produce fresh information. Also, the results are offering a view over the digitalization of classrooms, gamification of lessons and the importance of parent-school communication.
Keywords: digital games, gamification, game-based learning, didactic games, primary school, school-family partnership
Cite this article: Ioana Raluca Dumitru, Adina Oana Câmpean. PARENTS' VIEWS OVER THE USE OF DIGITAL GAMES IN PRIMARY CLASSROOMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 318-325 (2022).
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