Yehudit Salfati, Hilla Cohen, Sofia Ben-Yair
Pages: 465-478
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 325
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Abstract: This case study is based on the phenomenological-qualitative paradigm. Its purpose is to examine how may mindfulness practices can help lead a Pedagogical Partnership in teacher training colleges. A Pedagogical Partnership is a partnership focusing on learning-teaching processes between faculty and students at academies. Mindfulness is a method of achieving conscious attention to the present, in a deliberately non-judgmental way. The participants in this research were three lecturers and three students, who were not involved in a teacher-student relationship. Our research tools included lesson observations written by students; reflective dialogue held between these lecturers and students at the end of each lesson; reflective diaries written by the lecturers; and semi-structured in-depth interviews at the end of the semester. The collected data was analyzed, using a qualitative content analysis method, based on open content analysis. The research findings indicate that lecturers described their Pedagogical Partnership experiences with the use of four concepts of mindfulness principles Compassion; Beginner’s Mind; Non-judgmental State and Delay of Response; Non-Attachment. The analysis of the students' data revealed only two concepts of mindfulness Non-judgmental State and Delay of Response and Non-Attachment. Institutions of higher education that operate Pedagogical Partnership programs may consider incorporating mindfulness practices into their programs. They may greatly benefit for all partners both from the personal and the professional aspects.
Keywords: high education, pedagogical partnership, mindfulness, teacher training, faculty, pre- service teachers
Cite this article: Yehudit Salfati, Hilla Cohen, Sofia Ben-Yair. PEDAGOGICAL PARTNERSHIP: A MINDFULNESS PERSPECTIVE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 465-478 (2022).
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