Daniela Ilieva
Pages: 306-312
Published: 8 Oct 2022
Views: 453
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Abstract: Crisis management has been a central topic for organizations not only in the years of pandemic or war. And it will continue to be a topic of development and deep analyses, resulting in protocols to be followed in turbulent times. Even the best developed protocols hardly ever include the ethical dilemmas which emerge, and even more rarely provide solutions for when and how to act upon the collision of demands, resources, organizational plans and human ethics. Even the best of leaders are not always equipped with the right skills, mental resilience and the moral compass to proceed with pressing matters. This article aims to explore the up-to-date elements of crisis management, and to focus on the moral grounds and ethical aspects of the topic.
Keywords: crisis management, crisis ethics, moral dilemma, management, organizational development, leadership
Cite this article: Daniela Ilieva. CRISIS MANAGEMENT - ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND LESSONS LEARNED. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 306-312 (2022).
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