Hana Bilošová, Jana Pavelková, Adéla Faltusová, Marie Mrázková
Pages: 62-69
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 451
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Abstract: A long-term small plot trial for the evaluation of organic fertilizers was established in Jeseníky Mountains in the Czech Republic. During ten years period the experiment was fertilized with organic fertilizers (compost, slurry) and was managed with cutting frequency 3 times per year. After ten years management this experimental plot was ceased and the grasslands were completely abandoned. We investigated the direct effect of organic fertilizers and residual effects of long-term organic fertilization on physical and chemical soil properties. After long-term organic fertilization, the increase of nutrients, soil organic carbon, pH was monitored. Furthermore, the residual concentrations of soil available nutrients were higher with organic fertilizers compared to the control. The same trend was observed for physical soil properties. For risk trace elements, there was no difference among treatments and there was no increase during years. In conclusion, the direct and residual effects of organic fertilizers were positive to soil nutrient increase and to ensure soil environmental function.
Keywords: compost, slurry, soil nutrients, grassland
Cite this article: Hana Bilošová, Jana Pavelková, Adéla Faltusová, Marie Mrázková. LONG-TERM ORGANIC FERTILIZATION AFFECTS SOIL PROPERTIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 62-69 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002462/
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