V. Kazanjiev, V. Georgieva, V. Spiridonov
Pages: 264-272
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 319
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Abstract: Agriculture is a branch that develops entirely outdoors and under the immediate influence of weather conditions. At the same time, the climatic anomalies and changes that are observed everywhere throughout the country and above all in the agricultural regions of the country have increased in frequency and intensity. To be competitive as an industry, agriculture must produce quality and environmentally friendly products in the largest possible quantities to satisfy the local market and for export. Under these conditions, farmers must control all additional costs and especially those related to the need to improve environmental conditions and above all the lack of heat and moisture. The aim of the present research is to analyze the agrometeorological conditions obtained as a result of a simulation with a numerical climate model for the next 30-year period until 2050. In order to get a more concrete idea of these conditions, some agrometeorological indices will be used - transition dates of the average daily temperature during 5 and 10oС, duration of the vegetation period, sum of precipitation during the vegetation and non-vegetation period, values of evapotranspiration (ET) and drought index (AI).
Keywords: agrometeorological conditions, future climate 2020-2050, duration of the growing season, sum of temperatures, evapotranspiration, drought index
Cite this article: V. Kazanjiev, V. Georgieva, V. Spiridonov. DETERMINING THE REGIONS WITH METEOROLOGICAL CONSTRAINS FOR AGRICULTURE IN BULGARIA UNTIL 2030-2050. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 264-272 (2022).
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