Gordana Miceska, Miroslav Dimitrieski
Pages: 437-444
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 292
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Abstract: The creation and introduction into production of new tobacco genotypes with superior properties in relation to the varieties grown in practice is a permanent task of the selection, which is outlined in the long-term work program of the Department of Genetics and selection at the Scientific Tobacco Institute (Department for oriental tobacco). Our oriental tobacco is mainly an export-oriented culture and any insufficient attention to the maintenance of varieties and preservation of the variety structure in primary production can have a negative impact with unforeseeable consequences for the tobacco economy. The promising and commercialized varieties that will be presented in this paper as our creations, largely possess the basic characteristics of the appropriate commodity type, which in turn is due to our scientific work and many years of experience in the field of tobacco selection. The main purpose of this paper is to present the basic characteristics of some newly recognized promising varieties of tobacco, creations of scientists in NITP, which will serve as a basis for introducing new varieties in the primary production of tobacco, and will also be examined of young agricultural graduates working in tobacco purchasing companies, who are directly involved in the primary production process.
Keywords: tobacco, oriental, production, varieties
Cite this article: Gordana Miceska, Miroslav Dimitrieski. MORPHO-BIOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME VARIETY TOBACCO OF THE PRILEP TYPE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 437-444 (2022).
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